In a Vanity Fair interview published Thursday, the filmmaker described the movie's sex scenes as lovemaking 'in the broadest sense of the word, something that was choreographically interesting and not just some kind of thrusting sense of sex going on.”Īs Vanity Fair put it, Grandage wanted to avoid 'prurience' while blocking those sequences, which he said were inspired by the 'very sculptural' body language of the 1959 Alain Resnais film 'Hiroshima Mon Amour.'īased on Bethan Roberts' novel of the same name, 'My Policeman' centers on a gay police officer named Tom (Styles) who falls in love with a male museum curator (David Dawson) while married to a female schoolteacher (Emma Corrin).
Grandage recently opened up about the process of filming those intimate moments with Styles, who stars as a closeted cop in the 1950s period drama. International sex symbol and LGBTQ ally Harry Styles will perform his first gay sex scene in the highly anticipated film 'My Policeman,' directed by Michael Grandage. (Charles Sykes / Invision / Associated Press) Harry Styles performs on a 2022 episode of NBC's 'Today' show in New York.